Category Biomedicine

Looking for the latest news and insights into the world of biomedicine? Look no further than our blog. Stay informed and engaged with the latest developments in this exciting field, including research breakthroughs, emerging trends, and new technologies. Explore our collection of articles and stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in biomedicine.

Diarrhea Diseases: Traveller’s Diarrhea

Diarrhea Diseases: Traveller’s Diarrhea As a traveller, have you ever had an unpleasant and embarrassing feeling of stomach rumbling, flatulence and wanting to pass stool so urgently in an unfamiliar environment that you ask anyone for a toilet closest to…

Precision Medicine

Precision medicine

In precision medicine, an individual’s biology, environment, and lifestyle guide their medical management; it’s often used interchangeably as personalized medicine. Previously, personalized medicine only considered the individual’s biology, but in recent times both precision medicine and personalized medicine are now…

Vaccines, Pandemics and Skeptics


Vaccines and Pandemics Vaccines are given to individuals to reduce the risk of an or group of infection or disease and they act by working with the body’s natural immune system. When the individual given the vaccine becomes resistant to…